根据《陕西省三秦外国留学生奖学金管理暂行办法》(陕财办教〔2015〕56 号)及《关于推荐2017年陕西省三秦外国留学生奖学金人选的通知》(陕教外办〔2018〕5号)精神,结合我校实际情况,现将申请2017年陕西省三秦外国留学生奖学金有关事宜通知如下:
一 、申请时间及评选流程
申请时间:2018年6月28日- 7月4日
Application time: June 28 to July 4
Selection Procedure:
2. Self- application
3. School Review
4. Public Announcement
5. Report to Education Department of Shanxi Province
二、 参评人选
Candidates:Applicants should be international students who have been studying in XAUAT in 2017.
2018 academic years (Two semesters),Exchange students,short-term students and language students are excluded.
2018年陕西省三秦外国留学生奖学金标准为1.3 万元/人,我校参选名额为本科生 1 名。
Scholarship Standard:For undergraduate students, scholarship award is RMB 13,000/person.
Required Application Materials:
1. Recommendation letter from one of your teachers.(Teacher of your major is preferred).
2. Application Form. (See the attachment below).
3. Hard copy of the awards or certifications.
Please submit all the materials mentioned above to Room 103, SIE and send a soft copy application form to sie-service@xauat.edu.cn before July 4.
联系人:贺老师 电话:82205112